About Us

At Healing Angels Home Health Inc., we deliver high-quality care at every stage of patients’ rehabilitation process wherever they are. We bring compassionate care straight to the patient’s home, bringing together a variety of nurses and therapists to create a seamless flow of compassionate care.

Why trust Healing Angels Home Health?

Our confidence is in dedicated professional home health care services with an esteemed team of medical professionals. We ascertain that the team has the necessary tools and equipment to help our patients even in a home setting. Our services cover strategic care, advanced therapies, customized treatment plans, and collaborative care. Your team of nurses and therapists will work with you through your healing goals.

Mahzad Farahani
CEO of Healing Angels Home Health Inc.

Meet the Owner

Mahzad has over 7 years of experience in healthcare and a masters in Healthcare Administrations. It has always been a passion of Mahzad to have a long term career in healthcare where she could help individuals live a happy, healthier life. Mahzad chose home health because she understands how it can be challenging for individuals to commute to different facilities when they are recovering from an injury or need to manage their health condition, so she wanted to provide the care they need at the comfort of their home to make it a smooth journey both for them and their family members.